
Thursday, September 20, 2012


Ruwanvali Saya
Located in the north-west of the island, Anuradhapura was the capital of Sri Lanka for 1,400 years. It is situated in more than 200 kilometers from Colombo and a drive of around now 4 hours. Anuradapura contributed lot of heritages for Sri Lankan Buddhism. It can be described as a central of the Buddhism of Sri Lanka, because numbers of ancient temples are situated in this area including ‘Ruwanveli Saya’, ‘Sri Maha Bodhi’ which is considered as the sacred symbols of Buddhism.  The three greatest monasterist of Sri Lanka, the Mahavihara, the Abhayagiriya and Jetawana, were all located in Anuradhapura. Visitors can see mainly the ruins of these monasteries and other structures with them. Anuradapura kingdom has been decadence after the south Indian attack in the 9th century. After that next kingdom was Polonnaruwa. After the 11th century Anuradhapura lost its importance and it has showed like a forest for thousands of years. Beginning with the 19th century, importance of these places are increased again after the rediscovered ruins of Anuradhapura   

Ruwanvwlisaya (Ruwanveli Pagoda)

Ruwanvali Saya
This stupa is one of the huge pagoda in Sri Lanka and it also introduces as the Great Stupa, was built by King Dutugamunu in his control period in 161 BCE. Although king Dutugamunu start to build stupa, he unable to live until completion of stupa.  Therefore stupa was complete by the king Saddhathissa, brother of Dutugamunu. This stupa can be identified as the one of the wonder of the ancient Sri Lanka. Height of the stupa is 91 meters and diameter is 90 meters at the base. Several small pagodas ituated around the Great stupa. Some peoples believe that relic of the Buddha had enshrined inside the stupa.

King Elara

King Dutugamunu

According to the Mahawansha (the book about history of Sri Lanka), King Elara from south India had attacked to Anuradapura kingdom. but king Dutugamunu won the war. There are have some statues those are represent the war between king  Dutugamunu and Elara.

Sri Maha Bodhi 

Sri Maha BodhiSri Maha BohiSri Maha Bodhi is a Boo Tree which planted in more than 2300 years ago. when the concentrate on the beginning of this tree,  After the arrival of the Ven. Mihindu thero with the Buddhism, king Devanampiyathissa and lot of peoples converted to Buddhism. Some peoples converted as Sanga of the Buddhism. Mindu thero and others could ordain only male party. So lot of numbers of women wanted to become nuns, but it was difficult because at that time Buddhist priesthood granted for only males. Because of this, king Devanampiyatissa requested to royal family in india, after that , Sangamiththa the sister of the Ven. Mihindu thero came to Sri Lanka in order to establishment of bhikkuneis (Women monks). When she came, she brought a one of the branch of the scred Bodhi tree from india. This branch was planted in Anuradapura, Mahamewna temple in 288 BCE. So Sri Maha Bodhi  is believed as the oldest tree of the world. 

Anuradhapura in Google map with direction from Colombo

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