
Monday, October 1, 2012

History of the Buddhism

History of the Buddhism in Sri Lanka – part one

MahiyanganayaAccording to the legends, Buddha three times visits to Sri Lanka. 1st time was nine months after Buddha’s enlightenment. Arrived place called Mahiyanganaya. On those times, Society of Sri Lanka is not formed one and inhabits indigenous peoples called Yaksha, Naga, and Deva. In a first visit Buddha could move them to Buddhism after the showing his psychic power. This was the first incident about Buddhism in the Sri Lanka.
After the five years later, Buddha came again to Sri Lanka, place called Nagadipaya one of the islands located in north province. Objective was this travel was pacifying the war between two Kings of Nagas called Chulodara and Mahodara. Argument over a jeweled throne conduced to this war. After the arriving of Buddha, he explained disadvantages of quarrelling. Troop accepts teaching of Buddha and war was ended. Two kings gave up throne and consecrated it for Buddha as a gratitude for evolves to solve this problem.   According to the legends, the pagoda was built by God Suman saman and enshrined throne inside the core of the pagoda. 3rd Naga king, Maniakkitha invited to Buddha for visit again to island.

According to this invitation, Buddha came to Sri Lanka again. Maniakkitha king rule his power in Kalaniya area. So Buddha arrived to Kalaniya, as his third and final travel to Sri Lanka in his lifetime. This travel is more important to Sri lanka. Because Buddha left his foot print at the top of the mountain called Samanala kanda (famous as Sri Pada).

After the arriving of Buddha, there are no significant incidents until Prince Vijaya came to Sri Lanka. Vijaya was a prince of south India and he came to Sri Lanka due to disagreement between his and his father. He married with an indigenous princess named Kuveni in order to claim to royalty.  He got two child named Jeevahaththa and Disala. According to the legends aborigines of Sri Lanka descend from them. But after the several years later, King Vijaya removed his domestic princess and he married with a princess of South India. Arriving of the VIjaya and others didn’t important to Buddhism but it important to the Colonization of the Sri Lankan society.

Mihindu himi When the 250 BCE Sri Lanka has not any religions. Some peoples believes  Even through Buddha came three times Sri Lanka, Buddhism didn’t spread among peoples in Sri Lanka until 250 BCE. In these times Buddhism in the India also has been destroyed by vinous corrupt monks. So king Ashoka decided to conduct a Buddhist council in order to protect flawless Buddhism. As a result of this nine groups dispatched around the world in order to promote the Buddhism. Eventually, one group who was lead Mihindu Thero came to Sri Lanka with Theravada Buddhism.  They came to Mihinthalaya Mountain on the Posan full moon poya day (July).  According to the legends in that time king Tissa (king of the Sri Lanka) came to Mihinthalaya Mountain for hunting. Mihindu Thero and king meet together at the foot of the mountain. After that Mihindu thero discoursed the teaching of Buddhism. After king Tissa became a Buddhist. He gives huge contribute to spread the Buddhism around the whole country. Peoples also had find salvation the Buddhism. Some peoples became renounced and became monks, even some ministers of the king became as monks.  In that times ordain only males. Because ordain for women didn’t start yet. If ordain women, inevitable the service of Woman monks (Bhikkuni). Lot of women required to join to Buddha Sasana( to become a female monk). Queen Anula who was the Queen of Kind Tissa) leaded to this request.  In Order to establish the Bikkuni Sasanaya (female monks) Sangamiththa Theraniya came to the Sri Lanka with the branch of the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi and it planted in Anuradapura. These scared boo tree also can be seen in today in Anuradapura. 

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